Mother's Day Experiences


View Boston Guest Code of Conduct

  • All Guests must have a valid View Boston ticket to enter the attraction.
  • View Boston tickets are single use only and are not valid for re-entry.
  • All Guests/Personal Items/Bags, etc. are required to pass through a pre-admission screening process prior to entering View Boston.
    • (A detailed list of prohibited items is located below.
    • Guests with prohibited items will be denied entry.
    • View Boston does not provide storage facilities or lockers.
    • Admittance of bags, packages, luggage, etc. may be limited due to guest volume and capacity of attraction.
  • Guests may take pictures or video with a hand-held camera or recording device for personal use only. Professional photographic equipment, tripods, etc. is prohibited.  See more details below.
  • Disability assistance equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, and medical scooters are permitted.
  • Animals and pets are prohibited with exception of Service Animals.
  • Children are not to be left unattended (children as defined are anyone 16 years of age or younger).
    • Unattended/unaccompanied children are not permitted in the View Boston Attraction.
    • For youth/student groups, at least one chaperone is required for every 10 children.
  • No smoking / vaping / illegal drugs – smoking tobacco, marijuana, use of e-cigarettes or other vaping devices, and use of any other illegal substances, is not permitted at any time, including in outdoor areas of the attraction.
  • Food or beverage must be consumed in designated areas only
  • No horseplay, running or climbing is permitted.
  • Guests are not allowed to initiate any activity that could be described as a performance, a show, a ceremony, or a happening; they may not make a declaration, a speech, or create a media event or media photo opportunity. Guests may not give organized speaking tours of View Boston without prior approval from View Boston management.
  • No loitering, vending, begging, gambling, selling, soliciting, campaigning, or handing out information of any kind or petitioning is prohibited.
  • Throwing any object off the open air portion of the attraction is strictly prohibited and is extremely dangerous, potentially causing serious injury or death. Violators will be prosecuted.
  • Guests are required to wear proper attire – shirts and shoes must be worn at all times.
  • Fighting, provoking a fight, or engaging in disorderly conduct is prohibited and may lead to extraction from the venue.
  • Offensive, abusive, or threatening language or behavior is prohibited.
  • Displays of profane, obscene, or injurious language, text or graphics for public view are prohibited. Guests displaying such language on clothing will be asked to either change the garment or otherwise cover the offensive image/language.
  • Yelling, screaming, playing of radios or other music devices, or other behavior that may disturb others or infringe on peaceful enjoyment of the View Boston attraction is prohibited
  • Indecent exposure, sexual acts or behavior are prohibited.
  • No vandalism – it is illegal to deface, damage, mutilate or destroy View Boston property, exhibits or equipment including altering or tampering with computers or software.
  • No trespassing – guests must avoid all areas of the Observatory that are designated as being “staff only” or off-limits to the public.


Guests failing to adhere to these conditions or engaged in any illegal or unlawful activity will be subject to removal from View Boston and/or the Prudential Center without a reimbursement of the cost of admission. A “terms and conditions” statement is contained on the back of each guest’s ticket.

View Boston reserves the right to further restrict the terms and conditions upon a member of the public who is considered a threat to the safety of others, our exhibits, equipment, or property. View Boston retains the right to alter, delete or add further restrictions at our discretion at any time.



  • Weapons: firearms (real, replica, paintball guns), knives, explosives/flammable items, stun guns, handcuffs, brass knuckles, sticks, clubs, batons, marital arts instruments, pepper spray, tear gas, etc.
  • Sporting Equipment such as bats, golf clubs, hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks, etc.
  • Drones, remote controlled aircraft, etc.
  • Bicycles, scooters, roller/in-line skates, shoes with wheels (wheelies), Segway scooters
  • Double wide strollers or stroller/carriages that cannot be folded
  • Bags & Luggage larger than 25”x17”x9” and packages that cannot be opened for inspection
  • Outside food or beverages may be limited at management discretion
    • Outside alcohol is strictly prohibited at all times
  • Professional photo or video equipment including: tripods, lights, professional cameras (video or photo), or other audio/video recording devices
    • For permission to use such equipment, the View Boston Marketing Department must be notified in advance – allow at least 2 weeks for an approval.
  • Megaphones or other amplification equipment
  • Cigarettes and any other type of tobacco product, cigars, pipes
  • Illegal or illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia.
  • Personal or family pets (service animals are permitted)
  • Profane or obscene clothing (at discretion of management)
  • Balloons, candles, musical instruments, banners and signage not previously approved


View Boston management reserves the right to alter, add or delete items to this list at our sole discretion. Guests who violate these prohibitions will be refused entry to the facility and/or will face immediate removal from the premises without re-imbursement of ticket admission price.

If you want to host an event at View Boston, you need to provide a production schedule and a site plan for your event to the Event Managers team two(2) weeks in advance, you must obtain a letter of permission or agreement from View Boston Management granting you permission to use the space for the specific event date and time in order to proceed with the plan. Your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines is highly valued. Thank you for your understanding.